Helping youth succeed in school and beyond
Bryanna was only 16 years old when she moved out of her family home. Unlike most of her classmates at the time, she spent her days worrying about having enough money to buy food and pay rent. School, she says, just wasn’t a priority.
“I thought that I wouldn’t need my education for anything and I couldn’t see myself going to college. I was convinced that I would end up working a minimum wage job for the rest of my life,” she says.
“I had nobody to sit me down and say, ‘Don’t worry, we’ll figure this out.’ I wasn’t very hopeful for the future,” she adds.
A short while after, Bryanna met Brittany, an All In for Youth Success Coach who provides support to youth facing barriers that prevent them from completing high school. When Brittany asked her what she planned on doing after graduation, Bryanna replied that she wanted become a veterinary technician. But, with no emotional or financial support, she didn’t think her dream could become a reality.

When I first started high school, I didn’t have any support; I had no one to turn to. Everyone in my family had dropped out of school so I figured I would do the same.
Brittany disagreed. “Financial barriers should never keep you from being who you want to be, or where you want to be in life. I will help you access funds and apply for bursaries. I’m not saying it’ll be easy, but we’ll figure it out together. Your life isn’t going to be hopeless.”
That was two years ago. Today, Bryanna is enrolled at Bow Valley College, studying to become a veterinary assistant. She credits her success to working hard, and having Brittany by her side.
“I used to be really pessimistic about life, but I have learned that it does get better. You aren’t always going to be at the lowest point in your life, and asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. I’m proud of what I have accomplished, and how far I’ve come with a little support. I can take pride in myself. I made it.”