100% Local

Making Calgary and Area a better place for everyone

When people are at their best—physically, mentally, and emotionally—something powerful happens.

They no longer live in survival mode, figuring out how to get through the day, the week, or the month. Their lives aren’t confined to the limited opportunities surrounding them—rather, they’re searching for new ones. They’re in a better position to make more positive choices, to offer support to those around them, and ultimately to make their neighbourhoods richer and more rewarding places to live. And when that happens—when that goodness spreads—entire communities can benefit: in health, happiness, and success. Strong communities go on to create strong cities; the opportunities become boundless. And everyone wins.

But the issues facing our community are complex, and they have an impact on people every day. And when people aren’t at their best, they can’t contribute in the same way.

Mission: To mobilize communities for lasting social change.
Vision: A resilient and caring community where everyone thrives.

Our Way Forward: 2018–2027 Strategic Plan

Serving as a compass to guide our work, United Way of Calgary and Area’s strategic plan sets our intention, articulates what we stand for, builds on our strengths, and sets guidelines to realize our potential.



Get to know the pressing issues we’re working to solve in local communities.

Everyone needs a hand at one point or another, and everyone deserves a fair shot at a good life. That’s why United Way exists—to improve lives locally. But in a city of nearly 1.4 million people, it is impossible for one individual or organization to respond to all the social needs—strong partnerships are key to creating change in our community. United Way of Calgary and Area operates within a strong network of social services to build a connected system of community supports so everyone has access to programs and services when they need them, guaranteeing daily assistance for our community’s most vulnerable people.

See our impact

When we work together,
just about anything is possible.

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contribution to your community.

Meet the people spearheading change at United Way.

Read Their Stories

View our financials and see why we routinely earn top rankings for efficiency and accountability

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