Leadership Giving

Leading change in Calgary

Leadership Donors in Calgary and the surrounding area continually support our community with their generosity. By giving $1,200 or more annually to United Way, Leadership Donors invest in initiatives that support people through difficult economic times. The initiatives help individuals develop sustainable livelihoods, take control of their finances, and build the confidence necessary to lead themselves and their families to a better future.

Leadership Donor levels, as donated annually:

  • Bronze Leader: $1,200 - $2,499
  • Silver Leader: $2,500 - $4,999
  • Gold Leader: $5,000 - $9,999

See your impact

Your donation changes local lives every day. For example, with a Leadership level donation of $1,200, you can ensure 100 homeless youth are equipped with hygiene care packages, or buy five hours of court support for eight people leaving domestic violence situations. Your impact only increases from there: with an investment of $9,999, you can provide rental support to six low-income families, ensuring they can stay in their homes, or backpacks of basic school supplies for 1,000 children. Learn more about the impact of your donation.

See the impact of your donation

Vincenzo’s family struggled under the weight of intergenerational trauma – but a community
of care was there.

Read Vincenzo's story

Why become a Leadership Donor?

The opportunity to join Women United, where you will receive invites to exclusive educational and networking events

Receive GenNEXT updates and event opportunities upon subscribing—another exclusive United Way program that brings together young professionals to take action and inspire the next generation of community leaders

Recognition as a Leadership Donor in our annual Honour Roll publication

An invitation to the Leadership Donor recognition event in the spring, a valuable opportunity to meet and network with like-minded Leadership Donors

An invitation to the President’s Series hosted by United Way President Karen Young (Silver and Gold Level Leadership Donors only)—giving you an in-depth look at the social issues facing our city and allowing for networking opportunities with other donors like you

Reporting from rigorous evaluation on how your investment is being used to solve problems in your city

Valuable tax benefits (see below)

Leadership Giving tax benefits

Leadership Giving is a beneficial investment for you. Your donation is eligible for valuable tax credits, which can reduce the federal and provincial income tax you pay every year.

See how much you can save on your taxes for each level of Leadership Giving—at the Bronze level, your $100/month donation only costs about $46 after taxes!

Tax BenefitsLeadership
$1,200 - $9,999
Annual DonationBronze $1,200Silver $2,500Gold $5,000
Alberta Tax Credit$330$564$1,128
Federal Tax Credit$320$711$1,422
Cost After Tax$550$1,225$2,450
*These examples are based on an annual taxable income of less than $246,752. Please consult a financial advisor to learn more.

Leaders Cabinet

United Way is grateful for the contributions of our talented volunteers who make our annual campaign possible. Our cabinet volunteers ensure that our Leaders have access to the most up-to-date information about Calgary’s social issues and receive invitations to thought-provoking events.


Michael Monachello

Cabinet Members

Patrick Accadia

Andrew Issa
Cenovus Energy Inc.

Carolyn Kaldy
Community Member

Tom McCarthy
TD Securities

Colin Man

Shreyas Patkar
Community Member

Sponsorship opportunities

Each year, generous sponsors contribute dollars to enhance United Way’s Leadership Giving Program. Sponsorship offsets all costs associated with hosting recognition and educational events.

If you are interested in supporting the Leadership Giving program, please contact us.

Contact us
United Way of Calgary and AreaLeadership Giving